
About Us

It's exciting to be a part of the future - but it’s tougher without the right team.

People who love to create things that make a difference

We have a strong passion for technology and are committed to furthering its potential. We’ve brought together the best talent from all over the planet to create this remarkable team that is working tirelessly to make a real difference in the world and shake up the financial industry.

Our team features the best and brightest in different fields of expertise. These brilliant minds include blockchain technology developers, quantum physicists, statisticians, mathematicians, developers of artificial intelligence, and quantum computing technologies.

Faven’s mission is to create a secure, decentralized, inclusive system that allows businesses and individuals from all around the globe to send transactions easily, quickly, and with no barriers. Unlike traditional payment methods that are costly, slow, and lack flexibility, our digital asset will be engineered to facilitate fast, secure, and low-cost transactions that everyone can use.

The Quantum Financial System that utilizes the Faven tokens guarantees the world’s fastest, safest transactions that are also trackable. The system is unhackable, making your money completely secure against any sort of criminal intrusion. For the first time in history, money can flow freely — anywhere in the world, instantly, securely, no matter what currency you use.

After proving the concept and establishing a working prototype for Faven and Quantum Financial Systems, our focus will be on developing neural networks and AI-powered security algorithms to make transactions transparent, trackable, and safe. We will create an ecosystem of interconnected devices, applications, and digital services that will facilitate transactions of all types of digital assets between businesses, individuals, and institutions.

As a result, we will set a new standard for consumer finance by improving the entire network, making it easier and safer to access and transact in digital assets.