
A sustainable cryptocurrency and token ecosystem

Faven is a high-velocity price-agnostic transaction medium. The security and stability of the Faven ecosystem are central to our mission.

As a utility token and payment instrument, the value of Faven will derive from its ability to be used as part of the Faven ecosystem for exchange and transfer of value in the form of other digital assets or fiat currency.


Faven has a fixed monetary supply, it is not however a deflationary token. It is intended to be used as a transactional token allowing it to better manage risk exposure. It is purposefully designed to bridge the gap between the volatility of crypto and fiat currencies.

Total Supply Of Tokens: 100,000,000,000

Supply Status: Locked

Starting Price Of Token: 0.05 XLM



Quantum Qubits guarantee the most secure platform for the transfer of digital assets.


QFS technology uses GPS data for transactions to create a transparent, fraud-resistant system.


A decentralized trust ecosystem that brings economic freedom to millions around the globe.


QFS can operate at the rate of up to 3.5 trillion frames per second, surpassing all cryptos and traditional systems.


Focusing on simplicity, Faven eliminates unnecessary steps and allows for interoperability between diverse entities.


Minimal transaction costs bring higher profit margins for suppliers of low-value items and affordability of microtransactions for the most vulnerable.

Real-time data access

All financial transactions are made in real-time, so you’ll always be in control of your secured account.

No matter how many client computers, mobile devices, or internet accounts you have, they will all have real-time access to your secured account.

GPS Tracking

With conventional remittance systems, you have no idea where your money is. It’s scary if you consider that the average online payment is shockingly easy to hack or replicate.

Transactions that are processed using dynamic IP routing systems (IP addresses) are insecure because the accuracy could be compromised due to fluctuations in accessing the web through a network range.

Imagine a world where money is protected by a global positioning system (GPS). Where every cent you transfer can be traced and proven that it exists. We combine the power of GPS tracking with blockchain technology to provide a secure medium for sending and receiving your assets.

Stellar is the superior blockchain for remittances

  • An open-source protocol that facilitates the cross-asset transfer of value
  • No gas fees, minimum transaction fees, no hidden costs
  • Greater speed, efficiency, and usability than what is possible with Ethereum.
  • Flexible infrastructure that supports various assets.
  • The best solution for micropayments.

Stellar’s usability is superior to other blockchains. It can process transactions at a fraction of the cost and time required by Ethereum or BTC

Stellar’s usability is superior to other blockchains. It can process transactions at a fraction of the cost and time required by Ethereum or BTC

The future is chain-agnostic

Our team has chosen Stellar as its key engine, but that doesn’t mean we are chained to it.

Faven’s core development is chain-agnostic and provides a universal way to accept any asset on the blockchain - all through a single gateway. Chain agnosticism solves fragmentation issues and ensures compatibility with various financial infrastructures.

intelligence at scale

QFS protocol connects AI to the blockchain to control the network and transactions independently in real-time.

We will train next-generation Machine Learning models using deep neural networks. The system will incorporate a variety of data models and data labeling methods, classification, and clustering algorithms. All of this system will be taught by using several Machine Learning methods.

The time is now

QFS protocol connects AI to the blockchain to control the network and transactions independently in real-time.

We will train next-generation Machine Learning models using deep neural networks. The system will incorporate a variety of data models and data labeling methods, classification, and clustering algorithms. All of this system will be taught by using several Machine Learning methods.

Transaction process

Our technology unites businesses and people in a global ecosystem that offers performance and security.

The entire process is encrypted by quantum cryptography encryption.

The sender acquires Faven tokens

The sender recieves a notification

The sender receives a notification from an AI-based system that their funds will “ledger” onto apersonalized, specified account.

Accsess codes

The sender responds to a series of prompts requesting previous access codes.

New Security ID

AI receives the required data inputs and creates a New Security ID.

Funds are debited from a Faven Wallet

Transaction initiates

The sender responds to a series of prompts requesting previous access codes.

The receiver checks the new ledger balance

Transaction completed

The receiver receives Faven tokens via SMS or email and can spend them on goods andservices on the Faven network. Alternatively, Faven can trade on crypto exchanges against other crypto or fiat.

Take back control

The world would be a better place if everyone could transact freely. We would save time, money, and effort.

With Faven, the barriers between countries and the types of currencies will be a thing of the past.

Transactions will be immediate and cost-effective because Faven wants to give control back to the people.